I thank the universe every day for the creativity inside of me much of which was past down to me from my Grandmother's. I have been sewing since I was tall enough to stand and push the treadle on my mom’s singer treadle sewing machine. My grandmothers on both sides were always creating quilts, knitting, crocheting, and generally being resourceful. My mother tells of her redesigned winter coat, that her mother made for her by taking apart a hand-me-down coat.
I enjoy all types of crafting experiences; I have at least tried most creative opportunities that have come across my path. But I always come back to sewing; it is one of the favourites. Well… also, knitting, crocheting, beading, scrapbooking, too. I guess I had better stop there but hopefully, you get the idea.
With this imaginative spark you’ll understand why coming across vintage dollies, men's ties, blue jeans, jackets, fabrics, jewelry, is such a thrill. What will it become?